in.ane - origin Latin "innis"; content that lacks sense or substance.

chat - origin Middle English "chatten"; to converse in an easy, familiar manner.

in.ane chat - origin "innis chatten" - to converse in a familiar manner, content that lacks sense or substance.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Of door locks and blackberries - wikiHow

I'm in the middle of doing some DIY in our new apartment. One of the things we need to do is change door locks. I looked at wikiHow to get some tips on locks and types of locks and how to fix one etc. Like any other website, wiki too has a feature that lists related messages to what one is viewing. The message I was viewing was "How to Change a Lock" ( There were five related wikiHows the last four of these were:
They all make good sense, though the first two sounds a bit shady. However, the best one was the first one in the list of related wikiHows, it said: